Human actions emerge from which prime mover? Mind. And what is mind's prime mover? Think. This is not a philosophical query, nor a moral quiz. It is a scientific reasoning. Let me work it out briefly.
Emotions dominate human actions. Each event in life evoke reactions of varied shades, be that anger, laughter, pleasure, pain or its other equivalents.
There exists a sensitive point at the top of the brain stem.
It comprises system of nerve pathways and networks in the brain, involving several different nuclei, that is involved in the expression of instinct and mood in activities of the endocrine and motor systems of the body. Among the brain regions involved are the the amygdala, hippocampal formation, and hypothalamus.
The activities of the body that are governed are those concerned with self-preservation (e.g., searching for food and fighting) and preservation of the species (e.g., reproduction and the care of offspring), the expression of fear, rage, and pleasure, and the establishment of memory patterns.
It may be equated with the hardware and software in a computer that operates on programmes . A computer system works in total dedication, compliant with its programming. It would refuse to respond in non-compliance. If a different result is required, other than what it is programmed for, you have to access the programme itself. Changes must first of all be introduced at the level of programming, else the computer system would disobey master's command if it violates the programme.
Same is the position of the human mind, limbic system being its one such component which stores data base. If the data base is loaded with a programme that has a mathematical table like 2x2=6, it would refuse to accept 2x2=4, whatever reasoning one may advance.
This brings us to a basic concept, called programming of the mind. What is tjat which predominantly occupies this vital data base of the mind ? Think. Seriously. The answer that would surface, in majority of the cases, is religious beliefs.
Let me recall the context in which I am writing this. The context is the hue and cry being raised against terrorist attack killing children in Peshawar.
I sincerely believe, those who are voicing their ire against terrorism are engaging in understatements, rather misconceived statement. Why? Let me elaborate . Wait, I said.
We have different genres of terrorism. Aren't Naxalites terrorists? So are the al quaida and ISIS - men. What is the difference, if any. Terrorists belong to no religion or philosophy. This is what we say. Is this not an oversimplification?
Give it your serious thought. And wait until I venture to tread this area, fully conscious that where angels fear to tread, fools rush in, as I propose to do, though in rational progression.
Emotions dominate human actions. Each event in life evoke reactions of varied shades, be that anger, laughter, pleasure, pain or its other equivalents.
There exists a sensitive point at the top of the brain stem.
It comprises system of nerve pathways and networks in the brain, involving several different nuclei, that is involved in the expression of instinct and mood in activities of the endocrine and motor systems of the body. Among the brain regions involved are the the amygdala, hippocampal formation, and hypothalamus.
The activities of the body that are governed are those concerned with self-preservation (e.g., searching for food and fighting) and preservation of the species (e.g., reproduction and the care of offspring), the expression of fear, rage, and pleasure, and the establishment of memory patterns.
It may be equated with the hardware and software in a computer that operates on programmes . A computer system works in total dedication, compliant with its programming. It would refuse to respond in non-compliance. If a different result is required, other than what it is programmed for, you have to access the programme itself. Changes must first of all be introduced at the level of programming, else the computer system would disobey master's command if it violates the programme.
Same is the position of the human mind, limbic system being its one such component which stores data base. If the data base is loaded with a programme that has a mathematical table like 2x2=6, it would refuse to accept 2x2=4, whatever reasoning one may advance.
This brings us to a basic concept, called programming of the mind. What is tjat which predominantly occupies this vital data base of the mind ? Think. Seriously. The answer that would surface, in majority of the cases, is religious beliefs.
Let me recall the context in which I am writing this. The context is the hue and cry being raised against terrorist attack killing children in Peshawar.
I sincerely believe, those who are voicing their ire against terrorism are engaging in understatements, rather misconceived statement. Why? Let me elaborate . Wait, I said.
We have different genres of terrorism. Aren't Naxalites terrorists? So are the al quaida and ISIS - men. What is the difference, if any. Terrorists belong to no religion or philosophy. This is what we say. Is this not an oversimplification?
Give it your serious thought. And wait until I venture to tread this area, fully conscious that where angels fear to tread, fools rush in, as I propose to do, though in rational progression.