Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Turning into dead meat, fossil?

Discussions lead you to blind alley?No where?Disabling proof of a point , you failing to either prove or accept proof? Beware ,you are into an inward circle that threatens to eat into your mental stuff. With age, you may realise , you are getting more and more stuck up into self generated mental blocks from which no entity , not even the One you think you Revere may retrieve . You have already begun to be a dead meat, that may, in turn, turn into fossil worth preserving, for the posterity to learn the ultimate outcome of stupidity, better say, ' reverential stupidity', which may be anything but reverence, for reverence bereft of wisdom, is the exclusive province of the evil, devil, shaitan, akin to the several names in the Hindu Mythology ,such as Mahishasur, Ravan, Kans, Jarasandh ...........

Friday, 23 November 2018

Heart beats!
Its function is to expand and contract.
This opening and closing, means expansion and contraction , is perceived as a beat.
Beat signifies life.
Beat gone , means life is gone.
Heart rests when life is to rest, that is death.
But this is not true in an absolute sense.
There is a pause intervening between each successive beat.
The impercptible time lag between beats is ,in fact, a pause that the heart uses as its relaxation moment.
So we are told, slower the heart beat, the better, which is an involuntary function, it depends on the load it carries, in a relaxed state, hear beats get slower and so does the breating rate.
Focusing the mind on the pause that occurs continually is a meditation form which slows down the pulse. Likewise, there occurs pause on to points of breating, one at the end and the other at the outset of each inhalation or exhalation. To become aware of both, or even either, leads to the lengthening of the above said imperceptible pauses in the heart beats or breathing, calming down the mind.
The above breathing and pulsating mechanisms carry a moral too fir the human kind.
It predicates, never to feign excuses under pretext of being busy elsewhere, for your heart and breathing are both intelligent mechanisms. What if, either some day take similar excuse why it stopped for greater moment than survival unavoidably requires?

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Yoga is science in its own right. But inadequacies on the part of those championing it is indeed perplexing.
Be that Yoga or Ayurveda, its experts continue to live in the past, using terminologies that are unsynchronised with those of the modern science.
Modern science accepts everything that is objective. It uses terminologies which are demonstrable.
In Ayurveda we have concept of cough, pitta and vayu, the imbalances whereof bring diseases curable by re-establishing its balance.
In yoga, the whole edifice is sustained on twin principles bearing varied names which materially and substantially imply prana and chetna, energy and consciousness.
Even prana has five broad divisions, prana, apana, samana , vayana and udana. Its imbalance is said to fetch equivalant consequence as in case of the above said triplet imbalance recognised by ayurveda.
Now coming to the point, is it not incumbent upon the experts dealing with or dwelling on the above ancient science of ayurveda and yoga to speak out what exactly these terms mean in terms of the terminologies that the modern science may recognise or interpret.
To be specific, i do kapalbhati pranayama or anulom vilom/ nadi shodhan, or mool bandh or udyan bandh or agnisar. It yields great experience, but that is what may be bracketted as subjective experience.
Objective approach requires us to state exactly that which occurs in the body system. It is not enough to speak out in terms of prana or chetna or five pranic components. What is required is to state as to what happens when i breathe in, or retain the breath inside or outside, so on and so forth, but in terms of oxygen absorption, energy generation or transmission, metabolism, etc.
Likewise, the use of the ancient terminologies, in other areas is worthless,without indicating its equivalent terminologies interpretable in terms of modern science.
Your help in the above exploration is solicited.

Mind's turbulence

Mind's turbulence, is a symptom of an ailing mind. Yogic practices, such as Antar Mouna , are the prescribed remedies.
Please don't react, in disbelief, if you too, like most, has a chattering box on top, helping less than causing disturbances.
Purify the mind. Not ethical purification. Functional purification. It means, these successive steps.
Turbulence of the mind must abate. That is stage one. The train of thoughts that criss-cross on the mental screen must calm down .
We are not discussing about one's emotionally charged state, in anger, in heated discussions, in other stress conditions,etc. we are discussing a normal state, while at work, walking, talking, or even while lying down at bed time.
One may find, the very definition of normalcy is deceptive. We consider an abnormal state as normal. A tranquil mind is just a normal state, not a super-normal state.
There are specific yogic practices that engage just ten minutes a day to master this initial step.
The second step is about those undercurrents, erupting ceaselessly and involuntarily from the deeper layers. Those very deeper layers hide gems of memory and knowledge that the unwanted thought currents interfere with, blocking clarity in perception.
Purification of mind is the first target that yoga targets.
Antar Mauna is one of the many yogic practices, that one may try , if these initial purificatory levels are to be achieved.
A practitioner of Antar Mouna, in a brief period, may achieve a state of tranquil mind in which thought currents abate and the practitioner ushers the mind into a command area in which ideas or thoughts may be generated voluntarily while forbidding involuntary streams to interdict.

Monday, 12 November 2018

This single word has multiple implications. It's different shades intermittently alter mental states, infused by what we call anger, distress, bliss, and like things. Some input triggers it. A good news triggers joy, a bad news infuses distress, depression, agony .
The news, good or bad, is the trigger. An input. The impact is realised in the form of some emotion, whether welcome or unwelcome, positive or negative, happiness or anxiety-pain-sorrow.
What goes unnoticed is the hidden fact that what, in fact ,   our  mental states are thus dictated by chemicals that the brain secretes ' by default '. That which occurs automatically, without individual volition, is called , 'by Default' . It is what the mind is trained into effecting. 
neurotransmitters and neurons in the brain are the agencies that produce these effects.
Man has evolved Antidepressants that work by adjusting the amount of neurotransmitters reabsorbed by neurons in the brain.

Human  brain is a complex network that processes vast quantities of information every second.
The limbic system that situates at the top of the brain stem is the pivotal organizer.
Part of the brain's information-processing network includes neurons, or cells that transmit signals throughout the brain. Neurons send signals through neurotransmitters, which are chemicals,  some of which are released  while the  others are received.
These chemicals essentially let the parts of the brain communicate with each other.

The three most commonly studied neurotransmitters are;
(1) dopamine,
(2) serotonin and
(3) norepinephrine.
Dopamine is related to experiences of pleasure and the reward-learning process. In other words, when you do something good, you're rewarded with dopamine and gain a pleasurable, happy feeling. This teaches your brain to want to do it again and again.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter associated with memory and learning. Researchers believe it plays a part in the regeneration of brain cells, which has been linked to easing depression.
An imbalance in serotonin levels results in an increase in anger, anxiety, depression and panic .
Norepinephrine helps moderate your mood by controlling stress and anxiety.
Leave aside these biological engineering with which the biological robot called the human kind has been built by nature, and focus on the logical inference it leads to.
The logical inference takes us to the simple fact that emotions are involuntary actions that occur each moment in our day to day life . Our life thereby runs by default, so to say as long as the involuntary or 'by default' actions occurring within goes on unabated.
That's the core reason, why the human kind is a tormented lot, being a victim of fluctuating fortunes that actions or inactions impelled under the ongoing robotic designs carry the man.
That brings to the fire the biggest challenge the man kind faces. The challenge is to turn what is involuntary into voluntary. To turn 'by default' action of the mind,  into actions by will. By turning the involuntary into voluntary. By refusing to be mastered by emotions and to acquire mastery over emotions.
The key words, 'mastery over emotions' is what  brings us to the definition that various yoga forms give, Karm Yoga prescribed by Bhagwat Gita being the simplest ,even though projected by misconceived interpretations as the toughest .

Monday, 13 August 2018

Breakdown may not be an end of the road, a blind alley. There always exists a doorway. If found, breakdown ends up in a break through!

Consolidation and desertion look alike, but are distinctly distinguishable. Former lends strength, latter weakness!

Monday, 6 August 2018

Well, I don't know nothing !

Few means 'not many' but if preceded by 'a', the whole meaning is reversed.
Not in colloquial sense but in loose utterances , this minor aberration occurs like in US two negatives are wrongly used but isn't wrongly understood when it is stated 'well, I don't know nothing ', implying he doesn't know anything . A researcher justified even this so called aberration to be erroneously perceived as an aberration. Do you know, what logic he gave. He asked one to take down the sentence. It was taken down as below :-
'well, I don't know nothing'.
The researcher said, you have committed the error , in taking it down wrongly , skipping a coma, which is not uttered, but is only implied by the pause. So he corrected the wronly taken down sentence, this way, 'well, I don't know , nothing'.
And lo and behold, the aberration got mitigated.
But in case of few and a few, this kind of circumlocution might not seem effective.

Sophistry - 1
The skill , called sophistry, has made new highs, more surprising spikes than stock market nifty - sensex ever made or can imagine of.
TV debates are the best example . Each day we see this skill displayed audaciously, as though slapping viewers' cheeks with impunity.
Higher than the sophistry levels must have soared high another thing , inconspicuously, I thought. That is tolerance level. Viewers'. Years ago, kids used to laugh, asking me what made me staying glued to the TV screen when the serial 'Chabdrakanta' used to be telecast. I curiously watched it to gauge the possible height of stupidity that a story could outpour. That was my reply which never convinced the kids who, as grown ups tell me that sophistry has its roots in the products which the electronic media has systematically trained it's viewers to get conditioned to.
(Cont.   )

Sophistry -2

Just the other day, I got my answer. A visibly matured counsel who claims to carry out arguments across the country , in district and high courts besides tribunals, was making submission before an ex judge of high court, presiding an arbitration tribunal.
The counsel referred to a police closure report ( not charge sheeting a criminal case) filed before the Chief Judicial Magistrate, and argued that the issue of civil dispute with regard to that would be barred by res judicata (previous adjudication of the same matter).
Police Report constituting res judicata? Flabbergasted I asked, questioning whether even  an Adjudication (which a police report is not) by a criminal court could have any bearing, far less res judicata, in a civil proceeding where nothing at all would be cognizable out of the criminal proceeding, save and except it's factum.
The judge didn't react, either way, unlike a law academician engaging a law student in a viva vice burst out when the candidate had answered in the affirmative, justifying this way. An adjudication was a case decided any way, no matter , in which jurisdiction, criminal or civil.
But I, for one, did not burst out but simply quizzed whether an argument of this kind could be tolerated by the courts he said he addressed?
Even to this , no sharp reaction was registered.
That made me realize, finally , that sophistry is all set to make new highs.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Marketing versus Shopping.
Knowledge may not be the exclusive province of the knowledgeable. That is especially so when it comes to colloquial usage of the English language.
This struck me recently when a friend of mine on an evening walk asked me with reference to a brief telephonic  conversation he had with a learned Professor engaged in English teaching,  who had earlier mentioned his brief inability to spare time because he was in the market doing his errand. After a while the two again got in touch on phone. The first thing my friend ,on walk with me, asked was whether he had finished his 'marketing'. Pat came an advice, instead of an answer, 'shopping, not marketing'. Marketing, he advised, implied selling activity, whereas the buying activity is called 'shopping'.
Having thereby been hit somewhere , as if below the belt , my friend turned to me, asking whether 'marketing' was a wrong expression for what is actually intended to mean 'shopoing'?
My instant reply was that marketing was not wrong but I preferred putting up this question to one retired Professor of English who was available around the walking track with whom we often chat matters of current interest.
When questioned, the learned Professor concurred with what the other Professor had said, mentioning the same logic that marketing was essentially a selling engagement whereas the buying replica thereof was appropriately termed as shopping, not marketing.
So? Even I was wrong, for I thought, marketing is a term in usage which conveys both activities, buying as well as selling , depending upon the construction of the sentence in context with how and where it has been used.
That led me to search and to discover that the dictionary meaning (attached herewith) vindicated my stand.
Stand vindication is quite a trivial issue. The substantial part is the knowledge of the knowledgeable whose audacity in the cover of purported enthusiasm to correct what may ,or may not at all be wrong , is indeed astonishing.
Why at all tend to correct others without yourself being sure? More so,   if something seems to be an aberration in the use of exact terminology ? That too in loose or casual conversation?

Monday, 30 July 2018

HALEEM- the Nehruvian style of capturing this Hyderabad delicacy
That's hyderabad conqured.
But not the way Sardar Patel did.
It's the way Nehru would have preferred, the way he did in Kashmir.
Patel captured states once for all.
Contrarily, Nehru did it the other way around. He professed a capture, but in substance , got the capturer  incarcerated.
Today Hyderabad is an unequivocal part of India. Kashmir too is, but not the whole. Even the remaining part isn't as unequivocally with India as is Hyderabad. Allegorically speaking, it is a severed  Kashmir that rules over the tranquillity and peace of the Indian Nation, courtesy Nehru.
It is that kind of Nehruvian capture of Hyderabad, I'm displaying here, vide a Hyderabad preparation, called Haleem, that I claim to have Nehruvianly captured. It implied that this non-veg preparation with wheat-Chana Dal and mutton as it's main ingredients , is a Hyderabadi delicacy I have before me. Even though I claim having captured it's aroma, fact remains, it is the dish that practically captures one who consumes it. It enslaves your palate, forcing you to crave it unsatiatingly. It is so easy to digest despite being a mutton preparation that within hours filling feeling evaporates and you are once again hungry, craving g for this coveted stuff , like we keep perpetually craving that some day we shall have a Kashmir as free of analogies as is Hyderabad , despite an Obsisi, just because Hyderabad had a Patel to handle, unlike Nehru who had a Kashmir and no other Princely state to mess up with.

Saturday, 21 July 2018

Nehru isn't but his admirers are .....
India in 1947 and China in 1949 chose two very different paths.
 India under gandhi -  Nehru clan went the secular democracy way, while China embarked on the road to Communism with Chinese characteristics.
Seventy years later, China is a veritable superpower and has lifted a humongous 300 million people out of poverty.
 In contrast, India has impoverished itself, content with just one quarter of China's size of economy.
India still has intellectual imbeciles, asking what legacy Nehru got when the British departed. The imbecility of the question may well be answered by a counter question about China, Singapore, war ravaged Germany-Japan. And can one gainsay, the British gave us nothing at all? No railways, no bridges or buildings but only what the Mughal did by conversions of Hindus and Hindu structures into what we see around in the shape of minorities so called and Taj Mahals inter alia ?

Saturday, 7 July 2018

He quit, I stayed back!
The overcast sky accompanying intermittent showers punctuated by drizzles off and on, is reminiscent of the days in late 60s. I was in my teens, fighting. It was a battle for survival, so to say, as it then seemed. Odds were heavy against me. The task ahead was uphill.
Since my school days, Kuppa Ghat on Ganges bank, enamoured me and my friends who knew it as an underground caved path of Mirquassim, that ran through the Ganges river bed to the northern bank of the river.  We would often go there. We used to drop inside the underground caved route that extended into dark lengths in which we used to see sanyasins or monks sitting in lotus posture with candle lights.
One day, in a tensed metal state, I drove alone to Kuppaghat , just to sigh and relax , as also to update myself.
There I wondered to see that an Ashram had come up, it was Maharshi Mehi's.
I went inside, to find that Mahrshiji was sitting in a room, with some disciples around, while Sant Seviji Msharaj, his Chief Disciple (who later succeeded him) was reciting from a chapter in Mahabharata.
The episode was that in which the Pandavas , while roaming in a jungle, were accosted by a long tail of an aged Hanumanji whom the Panadvas didn't recognise and committed the audacity of challenging, commanding that the tail should be removed from their way, fetching an answer from Hanumanji that he was old and infirm, resting, unable to move. As such they should lift the tail and clear their way. So on and so forth, as it is not the story which is of interest.
What is of interest is that the story telling and its response in the room was somewhat like a gossip that we used to often hold on trivial issues. But here the story aphorisms came to be discussed very seriously as though something around was going on that evoked instant reaction.
To a young mind of a novice that I was, unacquainted with the mythological background under discussion, it was amusing enough that Hanumanji of the Sri Rama age was being mentioned in the Mahabharata age.
I couldn't endure the irrelevance, hence chose to quit, driving back home, to mention the above irrelevance before an uncle who was an authority in scriptures. There I learnt how stupid it was on my part to have misconstrued the episode of the Mahabharata.
That realisation sent me back to that satsang room, large enough to accommodate some two dozens.
My interest grew, day after day as I kept attending the satsang in which Mehi's Baba's interruption and comments were quite instructive. It deeply relaxed me, giving me insights into finding resolution of the issues I was battling against, though I never asked for it in so may words.
One day, my friend Uday Gopal Jha got curious, wanting to find out where I used to vanish each afternoon for over an hour or two.
To quench his curiosity, I asked him to accompany me, which he did. I ushered him into that room and asked him to sit by my side, while the satsang was midway already.
Whereas I squatted there, erect and resting in peace, I fouls Uday restive. I couldn't figure out, why. Even before I could realise anything, I heard Mehi Baba asking, which he never asked from me on my earlier visits.
Babu aap kaun ho. I was about to answer, but was stopped by my realisation that it was Uday who had been addressed, not me.
Uday gave his introduction but didn't stop , adding even mine for a proxy.
'Aspko kya chahiye?', Baba asked from Uday.
'Mansik shanti', pat came Uday's reply.
'Eh! Mansik shanti', Baba mocked, turning to his disciples one after the other, asking each, pointedly, whether he/they had mansik shanti?
Each gave a stock reply, in one and the same tone, 'no'.
The again the Baba turned to Uday, 'Bade aye hain mansik shanti wale. Aur kuch mango, Mansik shanti chahiye, dekho to bada........'
Even before the Baba could finish, Uday got on his legs, protesting and speaking fiercely, rather venomously, 'shanti nahi to yeha aye kahe hain?' Uday's head was oscillating upon his neck in ire, as if it were a tooth brush running across the teeth. He turned around and walked out, leaving me alone to be the next on Baba's radar, I thought.
'Ha to Babu aapko kya chahiye?'
'Apka aashirwad, Baba'.
'Bahut bahut Ashirwad hai, Lekin Aur kuch mango'.
Then I politely said, nothing was required to mentioned , once a blanket relief had already been give, so I said by specifying a single boon, I would not surrender the blanket relief, I had already been promised. I said in a low whispering tone, I didn't need to settle for just one or two trivial rewards, when the whole treasure had already been laid bare by the Baba.
Baba then asked his other disciples to see what I had said, and explained its implication but before that he asked me to tell whether I was already some one's disciple. I said no, not formally, though I was a trainee under Sw. Satyananda .
That's why, you have got the key. You have a master key  and you may unlock and unblock any issues that come your way. He again blessed me, telling me to keep coming.
I kept attending the Satsang , and Uday continued to abstain, refusing to condone the slight that was meted out to him.
My quest had already begun to be answered how blessings materialised. The concept was then not matured enough, but now it is.
I have strong reason to reason it out, without departing from rational base. But the whole point is, whether you are listening, or are about to turn around and quit, as Uday did.
Uday, who is FB friend, might still remember the episode, or has it slipped from your memory? If it is still alive, it is proof that you are still not senile, as many might wrongly believe, as does Hiru. Isn't it Hiru?

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Is Dainik Bhaskar into liaisioning business, hunting green pasture for its clients?

According to its news story published on June 12, one NGO fielded by it approached Bank of Baroda, seeking sponsorship for a human chain it proposed. The Bank purportedly declined . Founded on such refusal, question has been contrived why Peepal got Bank's backing for the marathon it organised for the revival of Champa. The imbecility thereof could have been exposed by the bank itself if appropriate questions were shot at which aspect being expedient to be brought to bank's notice, the following legal notice has been issued to the media as also to the bank , which will speak for itself.

M: +917982609575, +919430023560
Rajesh Sahai, Peepal – The Resilience Lab,
Advocate. Shiva Bhawan, Police Line Rd.
Kedar Prasad Singhal
Printer and Publisher for M/S D B Corp Ltd. Dainik Bhaskar 
Hindi Daily
Shed No. 8,
Shri Bhagwati Hosiery Mills Pvt. Ltd.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Marg,
Om Gaud,
Editor, Dainik Bhaskar Hindi Daily,
Printer and Publisher for M/S D B Corp Ltd. Dainik Bhaskar
 Hindi Daily
Shed No. 8,
Shri Bhagwati Hosiery Mills Pvt. Ltd.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Marg,
Rajesh Ranjan,
Karyakari Editor,
Printer and Publisher for M/S D B Corp Ltd. Dainik Bhaskar 
Hindi Daily
Shed No. 8,
Shri Bhagwati Hosiery Mills Pvt. Ltd.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Marg,
A. K. Mishra
Branch Head,
Bank of Baroda (Main Branch),
Ref: Your News story which appeared in your edition dated 12.6.18 at Page 3 captioned, ‘Peepal ke prastaav par de diye…‘ 
The news story under reference quoting or citing noticee no.4, tends to draw Peepal into its dragnet, which obligates all the noticees to kindly address the following.
In the first place, the story draws a queer allusion, equating an intended organizer of a human chain with that of the Marathon for the revival of  Champa.
In the wake of the allusion mentioned above, you are called upon to clarify the stage  of the purported program of the NGO for which it had contacted Noticee no.4 . To exemplify, a program is floated. That is stage one. That's preceded by preparatory data collection, conceptualisation, background documentation, brainstorming sessions with the stakeholders and officials, preparation of technical sponsorship solicitation note, seeking verbal permissions from concerned government authority such as DM, SDO and Municipal Commissioner. The question is addressed to Noticed No.4, and not to the other three who seem to be liaisioning with or without lucrative interests for an anonyomous set of agencies . We may turn to them after exhausting our address to you. 
Noticee no.4 is further called upon to clarify whether the delinquent questioners on prowl with obvious hidden agenda to liaison for agencies in search of green pasture, were asked to furnish their agenda or not, as reflecting comprehensive conceptualisation etc. In our case revival of Champa is a main goal, solid waste mismanagement is the cause of the degraded state of Champa, to save Champa from dumps, segregation of garbage and composting is the requisite primary activity ,the run was an awareness generating mission in which you didn't join as a promoter for promoting a program but only availed the fruits of the momentum already generated . Inasmuch as, if you had not joined, others were there to join ,implying that you didn't kick-start anything , like what the news story seeks for its client from you. If you find such a momentum generated elsewhere, you or any other commercial institution may find interest, which fact you grossly omitted to address to the news institution liaisining for its clients, which kindly notice. To pre empt the same , kindly attend to the above which conduct is expedient because the newsmen having hidden liaisioning agenda , has drawn Peepal into a ludicrous allusion which is actionable, but not without firstly seeking the clarifications mentioned above. 
Before we turn to the rest of the Noticees, your clarification is expedient. 
                                              Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully,

Monday, 11 June 2018

Bhaskar Newsman, TRIAL WITH

How depraved could a  newsman be, read, vide the communication hereinbelow addressed.

M: +917982609575, +919430023560
Rajesh Sahai,                                      Peepal –  The Resilience Lab,
Advocate                   Shiva Bhawan, Police Line Rd.
1.Kedar Prasad Singhal
Printer and Publisher for M/S D B Corp Ltd. Dainik Bhaskar Hindi Daily
Shed No. 8,
Shri Bhagwati Hosiery Mills Pvt. Ltd.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Marg,
2. Om Gaud,
Editor, Dainik Bhaskar Hindi Daily,
Printer and Publisher for M/S D B Corp Ltd. Dainik Bhaskar Hindi Daily
Shed No. 8,
Shri Bhagwati Hosiery Mills Pvt. Ltd.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Marg,

3. Rajesh Ranjan,
Karyakari Editor,
Printer and Publisher for M/S D B Corp Ltd. Dainik Bhaskar Hindi Daily
Shed No. 8,
Shri Bhagwati Hosiery Mills Pvt. Ltd.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Marg,
Dear Sir(s),
Ref: News story which appeared in Dainik Bhasker edition dated 9.6.18 at Page 2 captioned, ‘Peepal ke Regstration par…‘ besides other inboxed stories concerning Peepal, inter alia.
1. This is with reference to the questions your newsman posed, a day  before the above said impugned publication.
2. It is expedient to bring the same to your kind notice for needful.
3. The main query that was posed was whether Peepal was a registered NGO. 
4. Registered? Where? He was asked. 
5. As registered Society under the Societies......., He answered. 
6. Why, asking this? He was countered. Because an RTI activist had cmplained , Peepal was unregistered. 
7. O.K, before you seek an answer, you have to tell whether the registration you are talking about ,is mandatory and whether there  are alternatives too of which your promoter is unaware and so are you?
8. The newsman got hiccups for an answer whereto he was advised to get back to his prompter , on mobile of course, to seek further promptings in the matter, inasmuch as devoid of wisdom to question why, a questioner was not entitled for an answer, much less when holding brief for one hiding, seeking vicarious pleasure in hitting  arrows from the dark. Nevertheless, the depraved newsman was given to note that Peepal was registered where it required to be compliant, about which information could be shared only to a bona fide questioner who was not bereft of the basics of news collection discipline requiring a newsman to be skilled in the field he was delving.
9. The delinquent newsman went back to publish the impugned story about which communications have been separately addressed but here the issue is related singularly to the wisdom of the intellectual resources on which you bank. 
10. It may please be observed that the above  said story inboxes statements got outpoured from different NGOs, as to their skewed perception about Peepal . That was reminiscent of a story we have been given to take lesson from , in which blind men defined an elephant in as many ways as were they in number. Point here is that which the scribe completely missed out as would a novice in the field of writing would. It ought to have been elicited what those NGOs had on their agenda vis a vis solid waste management. It is not expected that all would have one and the same focus or field but if focus is not there nor field , your scribe  committed a gross act of depravity by quoting them about what they don't know, in that we may cite here a hundred things , like mis feasance, mal feasance or non feasance , about which if you ask them they might gawk more precariously that your scribe too might, but that wouldn't be found by you worth mentioning in your column because it would only reveal imbecility of the scribe. But if they or any one of them have/has any thing common, instead of arraying them as hostile entities, a responsible news man would bind them together and join them all to a common cause in public interest. 
11. However, if the covert interest lies  else where, the out come has to be what turned out in the shape of the above publication .
12. It is too early to infer something conclusively until it's rejoinder is heard, if any , apropos what hinges on the hunch whether toll collectors are on the prowl , fielded by extortionists putting on the garb of nobility. It's test is sure and simple. The term 'public interest' is intact, but those claiming to be in its pursuit must first of all check own premise and reveal their respective credentials before seeking other's. Secondly, raising questions without intents aiding a public interest activity must raise doubt in the mind of one whose own outlook isn't doubtful. 
13. We don't suppose you too to  be part of the same gameplan and hence expecting your action in the matter at your level apart from signifying  to us your outlook in the above regard. 
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully, 

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Discussion with Bhaskar Editor 

Apropos  Bhaskar's impugned news story published on 9.6.18, a discussion ensued at length with the Editor, which the communication addressed to him and others, as depicted below, seeks to cover.

M: +917982609575, +919430023560
Rani Sahai,                                      Peepal –  The Resilience Lab,
                             Shiva Bhawan, Police Line Rd.
1.Kedar Prasad Singhal
Printer and Publisher for M/S D B Corp Ltd. Dainik Bhaskar Hindi Daily
Shed No. 8,
Shri Bhagwati Hosiery Mills Pvt. Ltd.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Marg,
2. Om Gaud,
Editor, Dainik Bhaskar Hindi Daily,
Printer and Publisher for M/S D B Corp Ltd. Dainik Bhaskar Hindi Daily
Shed No. 8,
Shri Bhagwati Hosiery Mills Pvt. Ltd.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Marg,

3. Rajesh Ranjan,
Karyakari Editor,
Printer and Publisher for M/S D B Corp Ltd. Dainik Bhaskar Hindi Daily
Shed No. 8,
Shri Bhagwati Hosiery Mills Pvt. Ltd.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Marg,
Dear Sir(s),
Ref: News story which appeared in Dainik Bhasker edition dated 9.6.18 at Page 2 captioned, ‘Peepal ke Regstration par…‘ besides other inboxed stories concerning Peepal, inter alia.
1. This is with reference to discussion we had at length on Saturday with reference to the news story published by you which we have already impugned. Leave that aside for a moment, in that the present communication seeks to dwell only on the discussion abovesaid.
2. It is nice that you made it clear in so many words that your focus is not on any laches on Peepal's part anywhere. 
3. Your entire focus is on your perception about irregularities purported to be there in the conduct of the municipal corporation towards Peepal. All you have to seek for an answer is from Municipal Corporation ,not Peepal.
4. Be that as it may, we stand nowhere between you and municipal corporation nor have anything to say whether your premise about questioning them is forbidden. Nevertheless, even though not within your target anywhere, it emerged from the discussion that you have vicariously put us in the crossfire with assumptions that are misconceived, which is obviously contrived one.
5. Your main thrust is on a 'why'.
6.The said why is illogically that why is it Peepal which is taking initiative within the system of municipal corporation in the matter of solid waste management.
7.The above 'why' has corollary which is even more poignant from your standpoint. The same is as to why other NGOs whom you think are sitting around are not given to take such initiatives.
8.Your above question tells more than sounds at the eardrums. It tells about your interest which might be covert. In case you are batting for some NGO whose entry into the system might be of some interest personally, you may not be wrong, technically of course but not morally which fact I beg to break up blow by blow herein below.
9.Assuming your covert interest to be bona fide kindly take initiative in the matter from your end, in case you may. You have a very broad reach which please utilise, seeking presentation from NGOs who have held back or who are waiting around the corner to jump into the frame by the use of your good offices. You may expect even us to take part therein. This maybe done within a time frame that would justify and reason out readiness and willingness. And of course competence too.
10.If you are pleased to adopt this course you may have a direct answer to the hypothetical question contrived by you in this matter which tends to presuppose presence of something which is absent in reality but is brewing in the devil's workshop.
11.We write this in the hope that either you realise the folly or contribute to the city a band of NGOs which might be contributing effectively and efficaciously rather than sounding aloud like drums that sound louder once beaten.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Dainik Bhaskar placed before media fraternity

If not the rest of the world, at least the media in general needs to be cognizant of the black sheeps hiding around and to which end, the communications addressed to Dainik Bhaskar are forwarded to the media fraternity. The following communication will speak for itself which forwards the communications addressed to Dainik Bhaskar.

M: +917982609575, +919430023560
Rajesh Sahai, Peepal –  The Resilience Lab,
Advocate. Shiva Bhawan, Police Line Rd.

Ref: News story which appeared in Dainik Bhasker edition dated 9.6.18 at Page 2 captioned, ‘Peepal ke Regstration par…‘ besides other inboxed stories concerning Peepal, inter alia.
Enclosed please find communication addressed to your esteemed contemporary Dainik Bhaskar with reference to an unwholesome news story contrived with obvious intent to vitiate public perception.
We beg to stress here our great respect for the media but beg to detest the acts or omissions of black sheeps hiding therein.
The communication will speak for itself and may present our standpoint relevant in that regard for your future use or reference ,if any, if ever or if at all.
Any queries with respect to the organisation, save and except those couched in imbecility ,as promoted by your above said contemporary ,shall be most welcome.
Thanking you

Yours faithfully,

Further notice to Dainik Bhaskar
This has reference to the notice dated 9.6.18 addressed to Dainik Bhaskar. The same is being supplemented, as below, highlighting the misconduct ignobly pursued in the matter of refusing to give acknowledgement of communications that are hand delivered. The following communication seeks to enlighten the so called esteemed printers and publishers about the said misconduct, apart from drawing their kind  attention to the misconduct of the man whom they consider to be responsible , but is he? Sorry, one who isn't on a trivial score may be a blunder where a small lapse may cost the institution heavily. It is for this reason, the communication appended below seeks to stand out, to forewarn, in that forewarned is forearmed , rather than threatened. The communication is as below, especially seeking -
whether you are not obliged to receive and sign an acknowledgement of communication delivered by hand? And whether you may justify your action, whereby you refused endorsing an acknowledgement after the said cited communication was delivered in person to noticed no.3? 

M: +917982609575, +919430023560
Rajesh Sahai,                                      Peepal –  The Resilience Lab,
Advocate. Shiva Bhawan, Police Line Rd.
Kedar Prasad Singhal
Printer and Publisher for M/S D B Corp Ltd. Dainik Bhaskar Hindi Daily
Shed No. 8,
Shri Bhagwati Hosiery Mills Pvt. Ltd.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Marg,
Om Gaud,
Editor, Dainik Bhaskar Hindi Daily,
Printer and Publisher for M/S D B Corp Ltd. Dainik Bhaskar Hindi Daily
Shed No. 8,
Shri Bhagwati Hosiery Mills Pvt. Ltd.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Marg,

Rajesh Ranjan,
Karyakari Editor,
Printer and Publisher for M/S D B Corp Ltd. Dainik Bhaskar Hindi Daily
Shed No. 8,
Shri Bhagwati Hosiery Mills Pvt. Ltd.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Marg,
Dear Sir(s),
Ref: News story which appeared in Dainik Bhasker edition dated 9.6.18 at Page 2 captioned, ‘Peepal ke Regstration par…‘ besides other inboxed stories concerning Peepal, inter alia.
Ignorance of law is no excuse . Nevertheless, those who are shrewd , do arouse sympathy by feigning ignorance. In order to pre- empt such a fake alibi, it is apt to bring the related laws to the conscious cognizance of those who might feign inadvertence for acts which are materially and substantially contrived ones. 
Be that as it may, in continuation of the communication aforementioned, delivered in person to noticed no.3, notwithstanding his refusal to endorse it's acknowledgement, the following citations are offered from the Indian Penal Code, just for ready reckoning and absolutely without malice.
Section 499 – 502 of Indian Penal Code deals with the offence called,  defamation. 
Offence of defamation can be dealt both under the law of crimes as well as under Law of Torts. 
Criminal nature of defamation is defined under Section 499 of Indian Penal Code and Section500 provides the punishment for such offence.
Sections which follow are aides thereto .
499. Defamation
Whoever, by words
 either spoken or
 intended to be read, or
 by signs or by visible representations, makes or
 publishes any imputation concerning any person intending to harm, or 
knowing or having reason to believe that such imputation will harm,
 the reputation of such person, 
is said, 
except in the cases hereinafter excepted, 
to defame that person.
Explanation 1- It may amount to defamation to impute anything to a deceased person, if the imputation would harm the reputation of that person if living, and is intended to be hurtful to the feelings of his family or other near relatives.
Explanation 2- It may amount to defamation to make an imputation concerning a company or an association or collection of persons as such.
Explanation 3- An imputation in the form of an alternative or expressed ironically, may amount to defamation.
Explanation 4- No imputation is said to harm a person's reputation, unless that imputation directly or indirectly, in the estimation of others, lowers the moral or intellectual character of that person, or lowers the character of that person in respect of his caste or of his calling, or lowers the credit of that person, or causes it to be believed that the body of that person is in a loath some state, or in a state generally considered as disgraceful.
(a) A says-"Z is an honest man; he never stole B's watch"; intending to cause it to be believed that Z did steal B's watch. This is defamation, unless it fall within one of the exceptions.
(b) A is asked who stole B's watch. A points to Z, intending to cause it to be believed that Z stole B's watch. This is defamation unless it fall within one of the exceptions.
(c) A draws a picture of Z running away with B's watch, intending it to be believed that Z stole B's watch. This is defamation, unless it fall within one of the exceptions.
First Exception- imputation of truth which public good, requires to be made or published-   It is not defamation to impute anything which is true concerning any person, if it be for the public good that the imputation should be made or published. Whether or not it is for the public good is a question of fact.
Second Exception- Public conduct of public servants- It is not defamation to express in a good faith any opinion whatever respecting the conduct of a public servant in the discharge of his public functions, or respecting his character, so far as his character appears in that conduct, and no further.
Third Exception- Conduct of any person touching any public question- It is not defamation to express in good faith any opinion whatever respecting the conduct of any person touching any public question, and respecting his character, so far as his character appears in that conduct, and no further.
it is not defamation in A to express in good faith any opinion whatever respecting Z's conduct in petitioning Government on a public question, in signing a requisition for a meeting on a public question, in presiding or attending a such meeting, in forming or joining any society which invites the public support, in voting or canvassing for a particular candidate for any situation in the efficient discharges of the duties of which the public is interested.
Fourth Exception- Publication of reports of proceedings of Courts- It is not defamation to publish substantially true report of the proceedings of a Court of Justice, or of the result of any such proceedings.
Explanation- A Justice of the Peace or other officer holding an inquiry in open Court preliminary to a trial in a Court of Justice, is a Court within the meaning of the above section.
Fifth Exception- Merits of case decided in Court or conduct of witnesses and others concerned- It is not defamation to express in good faith any opinion whatever respecting the merits of any case, civil or criminal, which has been decided by a Court of Justice, or respecting the conduct of any person as a party, witness or agent, in any such case, or respecting the character of such person, as far as his character appears in that conduct, and no further.
(a) A says-"I think Z's evidence on that trial is so contradictory that he must be stupid or dishonest". A is within this exception if he says this is in good faith, in as much as the opinion which he expresses respects Z's character as it appears in Z's conduct as a witness, and no further.
(b) But if A says-"I do not believe what Z asserted at that trial because 1 know him to be a man without veracity"; A is not within this exception, in as much as the opinion which he express of Z's character, is an opinion not founded on Z's conduct as a witness.
Sixth Exception- Merits of public performance- It is not defamation to express in good faith any opinion respecting the merits of any performance which its author has submitted to the judgment of the public, or respecting the character of the author so far as his character appears in such performance, and no further.
Explanation- A performance may be substituted to the judgment of the public expressly or by acts on the part of the author which imply such submission to the judgment of the public.
(a) A person who publishes a book, submits that book to the judgment of the public.
(b) A person who makes a speech in public, submits that speech to the judgment of the public.

(c) An actor or singer who appears on a public stage, submits his acting or signing in the judgment of the public.
(d) A says of a book published by Z- "Z's book is foolish; Z must be a weak man. Z's book is indecent; Z must be a man of impure mind". A is within the exception, if he says this in good faith, in as much as the opinion which he expresses of Z respects Z's character only so far as it appears in Z's book, and no further.
(e) But if A says-"I am not surprised that Z's book is foolish and indecent, for he is a weak man and a libertines. A is not within this exception, in as much as the opinion which he expresses of Z's character is an opinion not founded on Z's book.
Seventh Exception- Censure passed in good faith by person having lawful authority over another- It is not defamation in a person having over another any authority, either conferred by law or arising out of a lawful contract made with that other, to pass in good faith any censure on the conduct of that other in matters to which such lawful authority relates.
A Judge censuring in good faith the conduct of a witness, or of an officer of the Court; a head of a department censuring in good faith those who are under his orders; a parent censuring in good faith a child in the presence of other children; a schoolmaster, whose authority is derived from a parent, censuring in good faith a pupil in the presence of other pupils; a master censuring a servant in good faith for remissness in service; a banker censuring in good faith the cashier of his bank for the conduct of such cashier as such cashier-are within the exception.
Eight Exception- Accusation preferred in good faith to authorized person-  It is not defamation to prefer in good faith an accusation against any person to any of those who have lawful authority over that person with respect to the subject-matter of accusation.
If A in good faith accuse Z before a Magistrate; if A in good faith complains of the conduct of Z, a servant, to Z's master; if A in good faith complains of the conduct of Z, and child, to Z's father-A is within this exception.
Ninth Exception- Imputation made in good faith by person for protection of his or other's interests- It is not defamation to make an imputation on the character of another provided that the imputation be made in good faith for the protection of the interests of the person making it, or of any other person, or for the public good.
(a) A, a shopkeeper, says to B, who manages his business-"Sell nothing to Z unless he pays you ready money, for 1 have no opinion of his honesty". A is with in the exception, if he has made this imputation on Z in good faith for the protection of his own interests.
(b) A, a Magistrate, in making a report of his own superior officer, casts an imputation on the character of Z. Here, if the imputation is made in good faith, and for the public good, A is within the exception.
Tenth Exception- Caution intended for good of person to whom conveyed or for public good- it is not defamation to convey a caution, in good faith, to one person against another, provided that such caution be intended for the good of the person to whom it is conveyed, or of some person in whom that person is interested, or for the public good.
500. Punishment for defamation
Whoever defames another shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both.
501. Printing or engraving matter known to be defamatory
Whoever prints or engraves any matter, knowing or having good reason to believe that such matter is defamatory of any person, shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both.
502. Sale of printed or engraved substance containing defamatory matter
Whoever. sells or offers for sale any printed or engraved substance containing defamatory matter, knowing that it contains such matter, shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both.
The above informations aren't supposed to be not within your cognizance, yet it's worthwhile to have it around for kind ready reference while addressing the subject cited communication awaiting your categorical reply before determination at this end what legal action might be expedient in the matter.
Besides answering the principal communication, kindly inform whether you are not obliged to receive and sign an acknowledgement of communication delivered by hand? And whether you may justify your action, whereby you refused endorsing an acknowledgement after the su next cited communication was delivered in person to noticed no.3? 
                                               Thanking you ,

                                                Yours faithfully,

Dainik Bhaskar, Noticed!

Dainik Bhaskar has delved into what seems to be an unwholesome kind of reporting. How much is it actionable, whether criminally or civilly, would depend on the reply I get apropos the notice delivered to its editor yesterday, who took delivery but refused to endorse it's acknowledgement. That speaks a volume about the bona fide of the publication he happens to head. The communication appended below is, therefore , being posted in regular course . The same may please be read below which may speak for itself:-

M:+917982609575, +919430023560
Rajesh Sahai,                                          Peepal The Resilience Lab,
Advocate.                                                 Shiva Bhawan, Police Line Rd.

Kedar Prasad Singhal
Printer and Publisher for M/S D B Corp Ltd. Dainik Bhaskar Hindi Daily
Shed No. 8,
Shri Bhagwati Hosiery Mills Pvt. Ltd.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Marg,
Om Gaud,
Editor, Dainik Bhaskar Hindi Daily,
Printer and Publisher for M/S D B Corp Ltd. Dainik Bhaskar Hindi Daily
Shed No. 8,
Shri Bhagwati Hosiery Mills Pvt. Ltd.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Marg,

Rajesh Ranjan,
Karyakari Editor,
Printer and Publisher for M/S D B Corp Ltd. Dainik Bhaskar Hindi Daily
Shed No. 8,
Shri Bhagwati Hosiery Mills Pvt. Ltd.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Marg,
Dear Sir(s),

Ref: Your News story which appeared in your edition dated 9.6.18 at Page 2 captioned, ‘Peepal ke Regstration par…‘ besides other inboxed stories concerning Peepal, inter alia.

With due respect for your esteemed journal, and in obvious belief that you are cognizant of your responsibility and liability under the special enactment namely PRD Act vide registration no. RNI No. EIHHIN/2015/66667, besides general law of the land, we are constrained to respectfully address you the following ,with intent to eliciting your stand with respect to the above mentioned news publication, so as to enable us to determine the course of action that may be expedient. 
That, in the first place your kind attention is invited to para 2 of the above mentioned news story stating therein, ‘April maah mein achanak Peepal – The Resilience Lab naamak sanstha ne shahar mein dastak di’
Kindly focus your kind attention on the term achanak. Without at all intending to mete out any slight, your further attention is drawn to a very trivial allusion, with intent to putting your concept in place. The question is when did Bhaskar commence its publication in Bhagalpur. Whatever be the date ,can it be termed as achanak and liable to be alluded to your above seeming insinuation? Please be candid, rather than laconic. Your answer may set the tone for the rest under discovery.
Further, without again intending any slight, your attention is drawn to the fact that the above story has been authored by a scribe who must have been born on a specific day month and year. Kindly elicit, whether the same was also likewise achanak as if it was a bolt from the blue. And also whether your interest in the above publication is also likewise achanak ,without introduction of any clue what made the perception 'achanak' ,so poignant.
You may kindly also inform if the commencement of the work which is not defined in law as not offensive ,can be condemned sweepingly with such insinuations as 'achanak', because there has to be a Day 'one', for everything that happens , one does, be that social work or an act of commerce which you are doing in the news publication business which is presumed to be with objectives other than marketing insinuations, much less,  with malice.
The statement that, Municipal Corporation has included Peepal – The Resilience lab in its 34 crore Solid Waste Management Training, has been placed as a tangent,  bereft of substantial details, in the manner of kite flying which is the exclusive province of yellow journalism wherein a respectable journal like yours can not be conceived of belonging with the possible exception of pen pushers inadvertently gone unnoticed. If that be so, kindly address the issue along side due redress . After all, how come it has been said that we have been given 1. Work order 2. Finance. As an expert with 20 years experience, and as a citizen , the programme Dierector Rani Sahay, offered support to Municipal Corporation. There is no business transaction. The organisation is providing technical and knowledge support without charging any fee. Where is Peepal flouting the law of the land and what favour do you perceive whom having got from whom and how?. This is voluntary support as a citizen of Bhagalpur to correct situations that has gone wrong, despite gigantic presence of entities such as you and those for whom you purport to hold the brief.
That Peepal is unregistered, you said without justifying your own ignorance as regards segments of registration and it's requirement qua eligibility for voluntary services. You ought to have placed your own understanding in this regard before outpouring and exhibiting absence of wisdom in that respect. What registration is required to carry out work which is voluntary in nature and directed towards city’s welfare? State, citing corresponding law or rule, before kindly realising that it does not behove of a respectable journal to countenance imbecility of such kind on the part of its incompetent scribes.
‘kaam de diya, zimmedari de di’ what makes you think the work order has been given or will be given in future? Your categorical reply is warranted .
Training dene ki koshish bhi ki… training was imparted. There was no koshish involved, mind you. Training was imparted in good will for city’s well being, without charging a fee. And why should it fetch condemnation , even if devil's workshop refuse to generate commendations for which a humble NGO is unwilling to foot the bill? 
Bina adhikrit nigam ki ore se bayaan? What have you said? Shouldn't you yourself rubbish your own imbecility in this regard as well inasmuch  no bayaan was given by the NGO, beyond what was mentioned by Municipal Commissioner himself in the same meeting that dustbins will be given. It was just a repetition. Peepal has and would have no role in distribution of dustbins. If you or any one for whom you seem to be fielding , whether selflessly or selfishly, have any inclination to participate likewise, whether independently or in co-operation, you need not be advised that you are welcome. But if you just believe in being a paper tiger , do keep roaring, but not unmindful of the limitations that law casts upon. 
Kachre se khaad banayenge was told because Peepal is deeply involved in voluntararily promoting waste to compost, to save Champa from dumps. In this Peepal would voluntarily play a role in demonstrating and propagating segregation of biodegradable and non biodegradable waste and utilising the former to convert into compost. You may like to invite from the deadwoods playing around, if even they have any program which may be aided or supplemented . But do they or you have? An answer may signify your bona fide or its feigned absence, as may be the case.
What do you mean by Smart City CEO ne Peepal par kripa barsai? Shouldn’t it be the other way round that Peepal ne kripa barsai and supported Nigam for the work it is supposed to do. Peepal did everything voluntarily, without charging a dime from Municipal Corporation,towards bringing a positive change in the city.
Why cant other organisations and for that matter you, do the same or at least let us all know what is being done, if at all, save and except loitering about as something which term we beg to reserve until receipt of your response within seven days, failing which the law of non-traverse would be applied and we would be free to move on to the next course as may be advised.
                                             Thanking you,
                                             Yours faithfully,