Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Turning into dead meat, fossil?

Discussions lead you to blind alley?No where?Disabling proof of a point , you failing to either prove or accept proof? Beware ,you are into an inward circle that threatens to eat into your mental stuff. With age, you may realise , you are getting more and more stuck up into self generated mental blocks from which no entity , not even the One you think you Revere may retrieve . You have already begun to be a dead meat, that may, in turn, turn into fossil worth preserving, for the posterity to learn the ultimate outcome of stupidity, better say, ' reverential stupidity', which may be anything but reverence, for reverence bereft of wisdom, is the exclusive province of the evil, devil, shaitan, akin to the several names in the Hindu Mythology ,such as Mahishasur, Ravan, Kans, Jarasandh ...........

Friday, 23 November 2018

Heart beats!
Its function is to expand and contract.
This opening and closing, means expansion and contraction , is perceived as a beat.
Beat signifies life.
Beat gone , means life is gone.
Heart rests when life is to rest, that is death.
But this is not true in an absolute sense.
There is a pause intervening between each successive beat.
The impercptible time lag between beats is ,in fact, a pause that the heart uses as its relaxation moment.
So we are told, slower the heart beat, the better, which is an involuntary function, it depends on the load it carries, in a relaxed state, hear beats get slower and so does the breating rate.
Focusing the mind on the pause that occurs continually is a meditation form which slows down the pulse. Likewise, there occurs pause on to points of breating, one at the end and the other at the outset of each inhalation or exhalation. To become aware of both, or even either, leads to the lengthening of the above said imperceptible pauses in the heart beats or breathing, calming down the mind.
The above breathing and pulsating mechanisms carry a moral too fir the human kind.
It predicates, never to feign excuses under pretext of being busy elsewhere, for your heart and breathing are both intelligent mechanisms. What if, either some day take similar excuse why it stopped for greater moment than survival unavoidably requires?

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Yoga is science in its own right. But inadequacies on the part of those championing it is indeed perplexing.
Be that Yoga or Ayurveda, its experts continue to live in the past, using terminologies that are unsynchronised with those of the modern science.
Modern science accepts everything that is objective. It uses terminologies which are demonstrable.
In Ayurveda we have concept of cough, pitta and vayu, the imbalances whereof bring diseases curable by re-establishing its balance.
In yoga, the whole edifice is sustained on twin principles bearing varied names which materially and substantially imply prana and chetna, energy and consciousness.
Even prana has five broad divisions, prana, apana, samana , vayana and udana. Its imbalance is said to fetch equivalant consequence as in case of the above said triplet imbalance recognised by ayurveda.
Now coming to the point, is it not incumbent upon the experts dealing with or dwelling on the above ancient science of ayurveda and yoga to speak out what exactly these terms mean in terms of the terminologies that the modern science may recognise or interpret.
To be specific, i do kapalbhati pranayama or anulom vilom/ nadi shodhan, or mool bandh or udyan bandh or agnisar. It yields great experience, but that is what may be bracketted as subjective experience.
Objective approach requires us to state exactly that which occurs in the body system. It is not enough to speak out in terms of prana or chetna or five pranic components. What is required is to state as to what happens when i breathe in, or retain the breath inside or outside, so on and so forth, but in terms of oxygen absorption, energy generation or transmission, metabolism, etc.
Likewise, the use of the ancient terminologies, in other areas is worthless,without indicating its equivalent terminologies interpretable in terms of modern science.
Your help in the above exploration is solicited.

Mind's turbulence

Mind's turbulence, is a symptom of an ailing mind. Yogic practices, such as Antar Mouna , are the prescribed remedies.
Please don't react, in disbelief, if you too, like most, has a chattering box on top, helping less than causing disturbances.
Purify the mind. Not ethical purification. Functional purification. It means, these successive steps.
Turbulence of the mind must abate. That is stage one. The train of thoughts that criss-cross on the mental screen must calm down .
We are not discussing about one's emotionally charged state, in anger, in heated discussions, in other stress conditions,etc. we are discussing a normal state, while at work, walking, talking, or even while lying down at bed time.
One may find, the very definition of normalcy is deceptive. We consider an abnormal state as normal. A tranquil mind is just a normal state, not a super-normal state.
There are specific yogic practices that engage just ten minutes a day to master this initial step.
The second step is about those undercurrents, erupting ceaselessly and involuntarily from the deeper layers. Those very deeper layers hide gems of memory and knowledge that the unwanted thought currents interfere with, blocking clarity in perception.
Purification of mind is the first target that yoga targets.
Antar Mauna is one of the many yogic practices, that one may try , if these initial purificatory levels are to be achieved.
A practitioner of Antar Mouna, in a brief period, may achieve a state of tranquil mind in which thought currents abate and the practitioner ushers the mind into a command area in which ideas or thoughts may be generated voluntarily while forbidding involuntary streams to interdict.

Monday, 12 November 2018

This single word has multiple implications. It's different shades intermittently alter mental states, infused by what we call anger, distress, bliss, and like things. Some input triggers it. A good news triggers joy, a bad news infuses distress, depression, agony .
The news, good or bad, is the trigger. An input. The impact is realised in the form of some emotion, whether welcome or unwelcome, positive or negative, happiness or anxiety-pain-sorrow.
What goes unnoticed is the hidden fact that what, in fact ,   our  mental states are thus dictated by chemicals that the brain secretes ' by default '. That which occurs automatically, without individual volition, is called , 'by Default' . It is what the mind is trained into effecting. 
neurotransmitters and neurons in the brain are the agencies that produce these effects.
Man has evolved Antidepressants that work by adjusting the amount of neurotransmitters reabsorbed by neurons in the brain.

Human  brain is a complex network that processes vast quantities of information every second.
The limbic system that situates at the top of the brain stem is the pivotal organizer.
Part of the brain's information-processing network includes neurons, or cells that transmit signals throughout the brain. Neurons send signals through neurotransmitters, which are chemicals,  some of which are released  while the  others are received.
These chemicals essentially let the parts of the brain communicate with each other.

The three most commonly studied neurotransmitters are;
(1) dopamine,
(2) serotonin and
(3) norepinephrine.
Dopamine is related to experiences of pleasure and the reward-learning process. In other words, when you do something good, you're rewarded with dopamine and gain a pleasurable, happy feeling. This teaches your brain to want to do it again and again.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter associated with memory and learning. Researchers believe it plays a part in the regeneration of brain cells, which has been linked to easing depression.
An imbalance in serotonin levels results in an increase in anger, anxiety, depression and panic .
Norepinephrine helps moderate your mood by controlling stress and anxiety.
Leave aside these biological engineering with which the biological robot called the human kind has been built by nature, and focus on the logical inference it leads to.
The logical inference takes us to the simple fact that emotions are involuntary actions that occur each moment in our day to day life . Our life thereby runs by default, so to say as long as the involuntary or 'by default' actions occurring within goes on unabated.
That's the core reason, why the human kind is a tormented lot, being a victim of fluctuating fortunes that actions or inactions impelled under the ongoing robotic designs carry the man.
That brings to the fire the biggest challenge the man kind faces. The challenge is to turn what is involuntary into voluntary. To turn 'by default' action of the mind,  into actions by will. By turning the involuntary into voluntary. By refusing to be mastered by emotions and to acquire mastery over emotions.
The key words, 'mastery over emotions' is what  brings us to the definition that various yoga forms give, Karm Yoga prescribed by Bhagwat Gita being the simplest ,even though projected by misconceived interpretations as the toughest .