Monday, 23 March 2020


It is not a scientific approach to cite Vedas or Puranas while interpreting any objective observations that hint at resolution of any mystery. However it not an unscientific approach either to avoid connecting available inputs with those which the revered mythological texts complement or supplement or contradict. This is a legal theory which is called 'relevancy' in the law of evidence.
As a TV Channel broadcast said, NASA has recorded the sound that the Solar holocaust has been constantly producing at a wave length which scientists found impossible to  capture by or for recording. It took long effort to devise such recording which ,once done, amazed the scientists, in that the sound is a subtle Om chanting which forms substratum of the Indian spiritual system .
Leave aside the Tantrik or Yogic literatures that value Omkar as the unstruck sound recognised as the fundamental constituent of creation. Simply conceive the primary character of sound. It is an energy. It must be an effect of something struck. Try to locate any sound that your senses may pick up. Can you certify it to be unstruck, caused by no collision or friction or whatever? Clapping, for instance, is the result of  your palms coming together. Dont allow the palms to join, and then try to produce the sound you generate by clapping. Can you? No? That is to say that sound we hear has to be struck, by whatever means.
Now let us do some observation, leaving aside any belief or faith systems which an honest scientific observation would prohibit.
Simply collect and consolidate your attention and focus it on your natural breath, ensuring simply that you dont interfere with its natural rhythm. Do it for a minute or two. There is an ongoing natural friction that the natural breath is generating. Dont presume it, just observe and find out. Dont import any external definitions, just observe and find out whether the friction occasioned by your involuntary inhalation and exhalation is soundless. If you really find it is soundless, you have to further explore whether your hearing sense has been over powered by the external noise or may be you have to sharpen your sense of hearing so that the sound emerging from the closest arena does not escape reception.
Once you begin to pick it up, do nothing save and except picking it up in its existing form, without giving it a name, colour , meaning or definition. Let the mind define it by reflection. Give it a free hand.
Once you succeed, the exercise would lead to a discovery that would let you exclaim in wonder - Great!

Monday, 16 March 2020

This is not a new term but is not in general use in routine life. Hence, it is new to the general masses, not at least to a Raj Yoga practitioner who is conversant with the term,'Pratyahar' which is step -one in the practice of meditation.
In practice, to quarantine the mind for a brief moment is pratyahar, or sense withdrawal which ushers the practitioner into the stage of concentration or Dharna and then into meditation.
The stage preceding pratyahar is pranayama. This term has, of late, gained popularity . It is now widely followed as breathing exercises in its different variants, namely Anulom Velom, kapal bhati , bhramari, etc.
What is essential to be understood is that these practices, in fact, target expansion of the breathing channel whereby the breathing rate slows down and automatic external and internal retentions in between inhalations and exhalations expand. That's called Kewal Kumbhak or involuntary retention of breath.
In the present context, it is this very retention stamina and slow breathing rate which is material. An adept in slow breathing with ability to hold the breath may negotiate with apprehended infective conditions as and when accosted.
It is for you to appreciate it's relevance like I do, wondering whether it is or is not redundant to put on mask even where not needed, such as while taking walk,  and like things. 

Sunday, 15 March 2020

Limbic system-3

(Teach a kid the table of two twos are 5. Let it go down the memory data base. And then say two twos are 4, you will receive a negative nod in response) .

Pinhole camera!
If you have not forgotten, we read this in a physics class in the school, depicting how the image of a palm tree is registered inverted on the pin hole camera screen like which we have ratina with eyes like pin hole. Likewise our ratima registers all images in inverted mode but we don't have any inverted perception due to the autocorrect feature that's inbuilt in the human brain.
Our Physics teacher mentioned Limbic System in this regard, though in only lighter vein, telling us humans without ulti khopdi would have been cursed with inverted vision of all that we see straight rather than inverse. In the next breath , he clarified , human brain had been gifted with an exceptional device which inverted the inverted image formed on the ratina. That's why we see every thing  normally. 
However, this exceptional feature respecting the ocular system, was unavailable for the general cognitive  system of the brain. That means, bodies which carried ulti khopdi over their shoulders would be doomed. 
The ulti khopdi angle he connected with the mischief which the Limbic system in humans often played. 
What he said didn't seem relevant until it's relevance surfaced recently via face book posts and comments . 
Isn't it?
Want more clarification?
No issues. Wait!
(More to follow)

Saturday, 14 March 2020

Limbic system-2

(Limbic system-1........... ...The limbic system is the portion of the brain that deals with three keyfunctions: emotions, memories and arousal (or stimulation. ... )

In simple words, the limbic system has two important roles to play in the material sense under discussion.
One is to store inputs as data in the memory of human mind. And the other is to compare any incoming data with its existing data base, to yield an involuntary response by way of 'yes', 'no', 'i don't know' or 'is it?' or likes of these.
Your spontaneous nod to anything seen,read or heard, whether in agreement or disagreement or astonishment or whatever, is engineered by the limbic system.
Teach a kid the table of two twos are 5. Let it go down the memory data base. And then say two twos are 4, you will receive a negative nod in response .
This may seem too much of an exaggeration where data corrections are feasible by scientific reasoning or athithmatical logic. Difficulty occurs where logic system gets dwarfed by belief systems.
(More to follow)

Limbic System-1

The brainstem (or brain stem) is the posterior part of the brain, continuous with the spinal cord. In the humanbrain the brainstem includes the midbrain, the pons and medulla oblongata of the hindbrain.
The brain stem sits above the spinal cord and has many connections between them. The brain stem, the most primitive part of the brain, is made up of the medulla, pons,cerebellum, midbrain, hypothalamusand thalamus. The cerebral cortex,limbic system and basal ganglia make up the forebrain.
The primary structures within the limbic system include the amygdala, hippocampus, thalamus, hypothalamus, basal ganglia, and cingulate gyrus.
The amygdala is the emotion center of the brain,
 while the hippocampus plays an essential role in the formation of new memories about past experiences.
The limbic system is a set of structures in the brain that controls emotion, memories and arousal. It contains regions that detect fear,control bodily functions and perceive sensory information (among other things).
The limbic system is the portion of the brain that deals with three keyfunctions: emotions, memories and arousal (or stimulation). ...
The thalamus is located within the brainstem and is part of the pathway of information into the cerebrum, which is the section of the brain that is responsible for thinking and movement.
(More to follow)