Sunday, 24 August 2014


My poser on Kashmir issue may be an issue comparable to what, are you aware?
Don't think it's an exaggeration when I say, it is comparable to nothing less than that epoch making event that escaped attention of the then rulers who mattered.
The event was the entry of the Britishers' East India Company, the traders.
Their entry by itself was never an issue, nor it ought to be.
The issue that passed as a non-issue in the reckoning of a non-suspecting , better say, naive Indian rulers, was the fact that the Company was an usually salutary trading Company, rather it was community of armed traders, hiding that stealth aggression which was more potent and lethal than those earlier registered by the several invaders who plundered this land in the preceding hundreds of years, if not more.
The aggression hidden in stealth form was overlooked or it could be a collusive pretence. Indian history is replete with acts of collusion , symbolised by the likes of Jaichands and Mir Zaffars.
The idea is not to read or write history, but only to see these historical facts in the modern context, to make out whether the historical characters are reborn, playing characters in new outfits.
The perspective starts from the pre-indepence days and en route independence, it has brought us to its present juncture where we are now on the thresh hold of liberation, lurked by its opposite.
Once out of step, history would be eager to repeat itself.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

MEDIA- an improvised version of Cinema Posters?

Bhumi vivad, land dispute, my bare foot.
I often feel tortured when I read or hear or view this term in the print or electronic media. 
What bothers me is the illiteracy among the Indian literates, which the media is seen keen on promoting. 
The recent Saharanpur riots emanated from a Bhumi Vivad, Land Dispute. We heard this, time and time again, but without being enlightened what actual was at issue that gave rise to the purported Bhumi Vivad.
Open a newspaper any day. Some Bhumi Vivad would found cited at the root of some rioting, murder or whatever. But what actually the vivad is, would be found hidden. 
The media is not an interactive forum. The letters to the editor column does not make it an interactive forum inasmuch as the discerning readers expect an instant means to connect which process has substantially got initiated on the e-media. However, it has a limited reach.
It is time, the hard copy of the largely circulated newspapers dedicate space for the emails covering responses and reactions.

That may pave way for media's own enlightenment. That may protect the media from its present trend; the trend is that it is becoming an improvised version of cinema posters that attract just cursory viewing and unserious readership.

Sunday, 10 August 2014

The following message has been received by me with a request for its onward messaging, lest adverse impacts may be experienced. The 'lest' component prompts me to comply, as there is nothing to lead to it's non compliance . The message goes as below, as regards which kindly render your enlightened comments and reaction.
ताजमहल को प्यार की निशानी कहने
वालो, मुमताज का मकबरा कहने
वालों ध्यान से पढो
ताजमहल किसी शाहजहाँ ने
नही बनवाया था।
साडी दुनिया अभी तक
इस धोखे में थी की ताजमहल शाहजहाँ ने
मुमताज के लिए बनवाया था।
पर professior ओक ने अपनी खोज में
पाया की ये ईमारत कोई
मकबरा नही है बल्कि एक प्राचीन शिव
मंदिर है। जिसका नाम
तेजो महालय था।
जिसको शाहजहाँ ने महाराजा जय सिंह
जी से अवैध रूप से छिन्
लिया था। और उसके बाद इससे तमाम
ऐसी चीजे मिटा दी जिससे
की भविष्य में किसी को पता ना चले
की ये एक। शिव मंदिर था।
और फिर शुरू की झूठी अफवाह
की शाहजहाँ ने कारीगरों के हाथ
कटवा दिए।
लेकिन सच छुपता नही छुपाने से।
शाजहाँ सभी सबूत नष्ट नही कर
पाया और अब धीरे धीरे इस झूठ से
पर्दा उठ रहा है।
डॉ सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी जी ने ताजमहल
को लेकर कोर्ट में केस
भी फ़ाइल् कियाहै। और अभी तक केस हम
हिन्दुओ के पक्ष में है।
क्योकि सबूत बोलते है की ये
तज्मह्ल्न्हि तेजो महालय था। और जल्द
ही पूरी दुनिया के सामने होगा सच
की दुनिया की सबसे खुबसुरत
ईमारत मकबरा नही एक शिव मंदिर है। वहा पर गिरने वाली पानी की बुन्द मुमताज का आसु नही नही शिवलिंग पर गिरनेवाला कुदरती जलाभीषेक है  भारत के इतिहास को बदला  गया है .
( जिसे भी ये जानकारी अच्छी लगे शेयर
जय महादेव

एक बार इसे भी पढ़े ...
१) मुमताज शहाजहानकी चौथी बीवी थी..
२) शहाजहानने मुमताज से शादी करने के लिए उसके पति का खून किया था
३) १४ वे बच्चे को जन्म देते हुए मुमताज़ की मौत हुई थी
४) मुमताज के मरने के बाद शहाजहानने उसकी बहन से शादी कर ली .
इसमें प्रेम कहा है..?
 plzz share to all
एक बात बोलू इंकार मत करना आपको आप जिसे चाहते हे उनकी कसम हे। शिव जी 5 नाम
1"शिव शंकर
2"भोले नाथ
3"नील कंठ
10 लोगोको सेंड करो पर मुझे नहीं ।आज  आपको गुड न्यूज़ मिलेगी,अगर पढ़कर अन्जान बने रहे तो शानिवार तक कुछ ऐसा होगा  
जो कभी सोचा भी नहीं ।

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, 9 August 2014

With due respect to any one who might feel offended, I may state that computer technology has failed to sink into our psyche, more particularly if one is an Indian. Computer functions on logic system. We prefer to defy that. It is easy to opine, especially when you don't have to reason it out, for reasoning out would show you the mirror that would refuse to hide the ugly face that an opinion might be hiding. As such, let us check our premise.