Realty is unreal. That's the very first principle of science. The theory of relativity is all about it. From that angle, even unreal isn't real , for realty can't be dismissed outrightly as unreal , provided the value of realty isn't claimed to be absolute, rather claimed as a relativity component. Whatever value we read or perceive is with reference to something external. The speed of a car is registered with reference to the earth surface which earth surface is assumed to bear a static value though that value is known to bear a positive value. Thereby the speed of the car is not claimed to be an absolute value .
In the stream of arts and culture, the theory of relativity isn't applied at the peripheral levels that are available for general public consumption.
But that is not so when one delves into the depths of a subject where philosophy assumes scientific approach. It is another issue that philosophies urn to become unintelligible , once it takes off its empirical base. Empirical base is that which senses may perceive and also caused to be perceived for any veracity test.
But there are extra sensory fields too, which philosophies cover, which ceases to be science in its usual sense, getting somewhat discarded with a prefix, 'para'. A state of mind beyond the five senses is not the subject of psychology. The term given to it is para-psychology.
Scientists do concede that this 'para' realm is the next generation of science which awaits some one of the genre of a Neuton or an Einstein, to become a bridge for the present day science to transmute and evolve itself into the levels where the empirical base ends and the realm of the 'beyond' begins.