Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Common man's ordeals while systems collapse.

What it means to be a common man, in India, especially in an under-developed state like Bihar, needs to be self experienced before being understood.
One has to endure multiple ordeals occasioned by system collapse in all areas.
A common man is wasting major man hours in wading through the mundane onslaughts that the system collapse each day fetch. That leaves creative or productive energies to get siphoned into time consuming management of pending day to day issues which arise with greater intensity than the pace at which the preceding ones are possible to be mitigated.
These may seem inane verbose to those especially who do not fall in that condemned category to which a common man belongs. One who holds some authority, influence or connection with any power source may please try to see things after getting self- unrobed of the extra-legal prowess that deprives them of the above mentioned ordeal experience that invariably lie in store of each one falling in the category of a common man.
It is a pity that those who matter, fail to realise that each unit of human resource lost each day is building up in bulk volume and is inconspicuously eating into the vitals of the state/nation.
These lines are intended to be elucidated by means of real life experiences, which readers are invited to share, in case the above idea seems worth promoting.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree, what you have mentioned in your blog.
    Common man or Aam Aadmi according to me is one who has no voice to express his grievances, watching the treacheries of unscrupulous politicians without a means to vent out their feelings, no guts to right with rowdies and police.

    Common man is really a person who does not have a connection to the system of exploitation, bribery and swindling and scandalous projects ministers, common man suffers the onslaught of the rich and the mighty struggle day in and day out make both end meets.

    The people of Bihar expected the Government to being about perceptible improvement in the law & order situation curb the all pervading corruption in public life but in-spite of all promises still we find that the criminals, mafias have the political protection. Increasing number of arrests and convictions of criminals kidnapping is continuing, only because day by day our systems collapse and the system has failed to provide justice in favour of common man like us.

    By- Fauzia Khan
    (L.L.B. Final Year)
    T.M.B.U. Bhagalpur
