Sudeep Dayal, an enlightened reader, as said above, has further added his anguished comments at the ordeals that stare the most hyped segment called, 'common man'. He states as below:-
The face of the 'common man' of this country is languishing in the shadows of anonymity, haunted by the brokers of power and prestige . We find the common man at the periphery of decision making circles. It is high time we sat up and took notice of the common man, in whose name every thing is done but without caring the actual impact of that so called 'nothing' labelled as 'everything'
Mr. Rajesh Sahai Sir, thankfully your narration '.....' comes as a much
deserved tribute to the common man from the common man's perspective, his
achievements, his strengths and weaknesses, and above all his eloquent
silence rather he having been silenced.
Let's admit, it's tough to be the Common Man in India. The operating word in
the sentences that follow is - 'connections', bereft of which you as a common man is a non entity in India, especially in Bihar where system collapse does need to be examplified, as every road, every street, every government office, and every thing else is littered with the debris left behind by system collapse.
If you have lived in India, you would have come across situations where connections with the powers that be, might have helped your case, no matter you had no case. The touch-points with the government machinery
are laden with calls to action to invoke such connections. They could be
proximity to the panchayat head, the Regional Transport Officer, the
District Magistrate and the list goes on, put as many number of blanks as you wish and take luxary in filling it up. No one can question its veracity. Hope you get the point.
You, my friend, the Common Man, can keep doing rounds of the courts and offices, but you will eventually lose patience, as you do not have the 'connections'. Imagine that the police or the powers that be, hound you for being a witness to a crime for which you believe the perpetrator must be punished. Are you sure that the case would not be turned against you to protect the culprit? You were also present at the crime scene; you might be concocting your statement. Now you are thinking, aren't you?
Dear Common Man, you must fend for yourself as the state and the country do not care about you. Take each step with utmost diligence and keep away from challenging any one, for you never know, your demeanour might hurt one of those 'connected' and that might change your life forever, for the worse.
Likes of this enlightened readers are welcome. Their facts, rather than just emotional outbursts, may interest others. So send it on the following mailing ID, citing 'Ordeals that stare' as the subject:-
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