Saturday 18 April 2015

Mind doesn't mean brain. Brain is just a hardware in the human system. As in computer, hardware is that which one may touch. Software is that without which the hardware is just a box containing metals, wires, chips and all that we may rip apart and reassemble. Devoid of the software, human brain is likewise a box bearing scrap substance.
Not to speak of human mind, even human brain is an unexplored terrain. Going by its apparent shape, size , stuff and configuration etc., it may not reveal that which distinguishes it from the less evolved species, monkey for instance . What makes the difference is the software therein loaded which stay elusive.
The strides which humanity has made since the advent of wheel, followed by the scores of achievements attributable to science and technology, human kind appears to have reached that thresh hold from which mysteries may soon be beginning to unveil its secrets. The biggest of all secrets lies in the mysteries that human mind hides, especially hiding its versatility of an unthinkable magnitude.
Mystics, philosophers , spiritualists and sacred texts contain umpteen resources to offer an insight into these mysteries but those are the areas falling out of the bounds of that imperial base which science considers as its mainstay, besides or apart from or divorced from which, no reality, howsoever logical or convincing, would stand rejected outright.
Even in this rejection mode  or mood which science sternly maintains, the computer and IT technology has reached a stage that may prove to be a take- off point for the imperial base if the scientific discipline to evolve, paving way for the involution  of wisdom, discovery, enlightenment and revelations about the mysteries that human mind hides from man's perceivable range. It is here that the computer and IT technology seems to be coming to the aid of the seekers who might soon detest their hitherto cavalier rejection of the first and the foremost philosophical concept that it is wrong to assume that all mind is in the body, in that the first and the foremost clue to the access into the mysteries of human mind is the reality that all mind isn't in the body, as it extends beyond and is not any entity separate in or by itself, but is rather an integral part of that whole which may be accessed, discovered and recognised as Universal Mind.
But what has the computer or IT Technology to do with this? It is this answer that lies in store for the mankind to discover as soon as the said technology grows a bit more, so as to effect involution into the human concept which too is evolving at its own defined pace.
(More to follow. On

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