Friday 17 April 2015

Reappraise civilisation. Apply simple arithmetics. Just some subtractions, one after the other.
Man discovered wheel. That produced speed . Man's race against time augmented once speed found wings to fly, conquering the skies followed by space but even that was preceded by the discovery of energy in its variants beginning from electricity that grew into the field of electronics.
Conceive of a civilisation, bereft of the above, in its historical progression. Where do we stand? Amid a sea of 'nothings'?
To crown it all, we have computer and I.T technology. What has this technology gifted to mankind is understood more than can be explained in plain words. Unfortunately, however, there is one very conspicuous aspect of this technology which as a direct bearing on human evolution and in man's quest to discover the unexplained , unexplored and little known potentials of the human mind which must be credited with achieving the milestones said above.
It is a scientifically acknowledged fact that only 10% of human brain is active, if not less, whereas the rest 90% or may be even more lies inert. It is this inert segment which marginally or slightly gets illumined, yielding miracles that produced wheels, wings, electrical energy with all its variants, so on and do forth.
The advent of computers with its attending companion namely IT Technology, is about to gift the man kind with an opening, apart from what it is ordinarily perceived as having delivered or promising . What's that? Exploration of the mysteries of nature through the brain, coming to man's avail as a conduit. This mystery , this , now young technology, mysteriously hides in store for the future, which the posterity is bound to come across, in involuntary progression.

(More to follow)

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