Friday 3 July 2015

Mind's turbulence, is a symptom of an ailing mind. Yogic practices, such as Antar Mouna , are the prescribed remedies.
Please don't react, in disbelief, if you too, like most, has a chattering box on top, helping less than causing disturbances.
Purify the mind. Not ethical purification. Functional purification. It means, these successive steps.
Turbulence of the mind must abate. That is stage one. The train of thoughts that criss-cross on the mental screen must calm down . 
We are not discussing about one's emotionally charged state, in anger, in heated discussions, in other stress conditions,etc. we are discussing a normal state, while at work, walking, talking, or even while lying down at bed time.
One may find, the very definition of normalcy is deceptive. We consider an abnormal state as normal. A tranquil mind is just a normal state, not a super-normal state.
There are specific yogic practices that engage just ten minutes a day to master this initial step.
The second step is about those undercurrents, erupting ceaselessly and involuntarily from the deeper layers. Those very deeper layers hide gems of memory and knowledge that the unwanted thought currents interfere with, blocking clarity in perception.
Purification of mind is the first target that yoga targets. 
Antar Mauna is one of the many yogic practices, that one may try , if these initial purificatory levels are to be achieved.
A practitioner of Antar Mouna, in a brief period, may achieve a state of tranquil mind in which thought currents abate and the practitioner ushers the mind into a command area in which ideas or thoughts may be generated voluntarily while forbidding involuntary streams to interdict.

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