Saturday 27 June 2015

Integral Yoga-5
Man in coma, not declared dead, recedes into death zone and is declared dead, as soon as energy impulses carried by respiration abates, causing the pulses too to abate. In no time, life revives . The man declared dead and gone, is back into coma, and is declared 'surviving, not dead'.
Now see. What is that which which distinguishes a dead from a 'still surviving'? Breath? Pulse? Well these are gross terms. The core content of these is 'energy', impulses whereof , in complete transmission, into the brain hemispheres and then transmitted to the whole body system, sustains life.
That which departs, rendering one dead, is known in common parlance as 'Prana'. This term is not a synonym of either breath or the oxygen that breath carries . The one and the only synonym , close to its intrinsic meaning, is energy. What converts breath or its oxygen content into that form of energy which sustains life and activity, and how it happens, is a field into which a cryptic approach would not suffice. What is  necessary to understand is that the science of Yoga fully defined this form of energy as Prana, that renders the man dead once it bids good bye.
Prana itself has five broad divisions and many more sub-divisions under each. The five broad divisions , namely, Prana (subdivision), Apana, Samana, Vayana and Udana, are severally sprawled in the body system, holding specific fields of energy controls. Yoga texts say , imbalance in these five Pranas, account for imbalance in the 'ease' status, I.e the beginning of a state we experience as dis-ease, that assumes the form of disease of one or the other kind. Science recognises two forms of diseases. Psychosomatic. And Somo-psychic. 
From this stand point, one may begin to uncover for himself, what exactly , which form of Yoga, effects what.
(More to follow)

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