Monday 22 June 2015


Yog-bhrasht . Bhrusht Yogi.
These two seemingly synonymical terms bearing meaning that are poles apart.
The former is an elevated position in one's spiritual quest, the latter refers to one who has fallen from grace.
We have numerous instances of those who have fallen from grace in the outfit of Yogi or Godman.
There are , likewise, others who bear no  tag of spiritualism as such, but are held in high esteem in one field or the other. Examples are many, but to cut a long narration short, a few names itself might suffice, namely , for instance, Satyajit Ray, Pandit Ravi Shanker, Bismillah Khan, in the Indian context, Newton , Einstein , Gallalio,  shakespeare, etc., in the western context. The name of Mahatma Gandhi is advertently omitted as the tag , 'Mahatma' might deflect the the basic theme that pertains to non-spiritualism , rather than spiritualism as the term 'spiritualism' purports to imply in general perception. 

The basic foundation of indian philosophy is the law of karma. Each act of omission or commission is a karma that is subject to the law which Newton discovered, but in material sense rather than spiritual. The term spiritual should not be confused with purity or with the moral codes that puritans define. The term spiritual, in its core , means that hard disk within the human system, say mind, that unfailingly records and registers every minute details of ones karma, that come back like sprouts of a seed sown into the soil, to bear that which one sows.
It is this cycle of karma that is responsible for human evolution by the act of nature. This process may be stepped up by the spiritual practices. The term spiritual has, in the recent times, been hijacked by the votaries of spiritualists bracketed as saints, swamis or godmen. But to exclude those who are purely mayerialist or, better say, non-spiritualists in general reckoning, is erroneous. The term spiritual refers to that which promotes evolution by means of whatever conscious process one may employ, say music, art, reasoning, scientific exploration :  political , legal, commercial or other contemporary or concurrent thought.
Though it might again seem a distraction, Krishnamurthy is one name that is worth mentioning, who gave a meaning to the spirit of spiritualism that was a complete departure from what others propounded in the name of higher life, yoga ,worship or religion.
The idea here is not to confuse, rather to drive home one single and one simple point that purity of mind and purification of the mind are not one and the same .
Purity is a moral code which is an external definition that man is expected to put on. That purity can not survive, unless the inner being is supportive. That is an ultimate object at issue.
The immediate one is purification. It has little to do with moral codes. It's main focus is the mind which is loaded with bundle of thoughts that are mostly involuntary.
To understand this aspect, just close your eyes and see what is going on on the mental horizon. Thoughts are rushing in without summoning. You can't stop it, unless you are an adept. Try to dwell on a single idea, barring others, but if you realise in a few minutes that this is nearly impossible, you may appreciate the point.
Cleansing the mental horizon of such rush of thoughts that are in disarray is the first challenge to meet in mind purification.
Don't think it is impossible. Rather it may be realised that these train of thoughts are those motivating elements that guide human actions, that are apparently recognised as voluntary actions though, materially and substantially, the same are involuntary in nature.
That is how and why humans are reduced to the level of biological robots, prompted by motivations that hide within the human hard disk, called Karma. Here Karma means both things, that which one enacts as also that which the mind registers and stores.
There is a hardware at the top of the brain stem, called limbic system , which has broadly two functions. The law of karma uses this system as a conduit. It's details may dislodge numerous confusions that keep arising and putting humans in visible conflict about the vast gap that we often see in human actions that are decried and which often put most of us in utter remorse for the breach of ethics and morality, though not intended all the time .
In this backdrop, it may be easy to define and understand a Bhrasht . So called, and a Yog-Bhrasht , the latter being not ignoble as the former may be.
(More to follow)

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